Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Carol’s Story – why Denplan makes sense

How my monthly Denplan payment saved me a small fortune – Mrs Carol B.

In March 2014, I noticed a worsening pain in the upper right part of my mouth.  Hot and cold drinks were really painful and things came to a head when it became impossible to touch two of my teeth on this side.
Mark and his team really put me at ease.  The cause of the pain was due to dying nerves in my teeth and unfortunately two of the teeth in the region needed root canal treatment.
Mark managed to totally cure the pain, provide the root canal treatments and replace my existing discoloured fillings with new white fillings and I am now symptom free.
Fortunately, as I am a Denplan Care patient, all of the work provided was covered by my monthly payment of £25.70
The cost of this treatment for a ‘pay as you go’ patient is £909 so my monthly investment paid dividends!

Thank you to all at Mapplewell Dental Centre

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Does snoring drive a wedge into your relationship?

Do you snore or does your partner snore?

If the answer is yes, help may be at hand at the Mapplewell Dental Centre.
One of our dentists, John Rawlinson has developed a special interest in removing this potentially debilitating problem. For a £50 consultation fee, John will assess you and complete a pre-treatment questionnaire, and assess whether a mandibular advancement appliance may be of benefit.
Basic Tips to reduce snoring include:
a) Try to sleep on your side if possible, rather than on your back
b) Avoid caffeine, alcohol and heavy meals in the 2 hours before bed.
c) Consider steps towards weight loss if overweight.
If after the assessment session it is felt that an appliance would help, they are available at the practice and can be made for £340.

2 Spark Lane
South Yorkshire
S75 6AA

01226 383703

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