Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Welcome to Galer

Galer Farrer will be taking over the care of Natasha’s patients.
Galer has worked under many of the leading consultants at Sheffield Dental Hospital and whilst there gathered a broad base of experience. She is extremely keen and enthusiastic and will be a great asset to the practice.

Welcome to Julian

Dr. Julian Yates BSc BDS PhD MFDSRCPS FDSRCPS qualified from Glasgow Dental School in 1996 and is a Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery at the University of Sheffield.

August 2011 Newsletter

Goodbye Natasha

As many of you are aware, Natasha Azzopardi left to have a baby in July. She has been with us for three years and has been an excellent dentist who will be greatly missed.

Good luck to Nat on impending motherhood and her future dental career.

2 Spark Lane
South Yorkshire
S75 6AA

01226 383703

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